Creators's Hub

Unleash Your Creativity with the 36RicenShine Creators' Hub!

Here at 36RicenShine, we're passionate about innovation and collaboration. That's why we created the Creators' Hub, a vibrant community for passionate individuals like you to experiment, connect, and share your talents with the world.

We offer three exciting categories to get you started:

1. Become a Taster

  • Be among the first to experience our latest flavor creations before they hit the market!
  • Join our exclusive closed community of in-house tasters.
  • Provide valuable feedback that helps us shape the future of 36RicenShine.

2. Go Creative!

  • Let your culinary genius shine! Develop innovative recipes using our products.
  • We'll feature your creations on our website, complete with your social media handles.
  • Gain exposure for your talents and inspire a community of food lovers.

3. Collaborate with Us

  • Are you an artist, musician, or performer with a unique vision? We want to hear from you!
  • We're open to collaborations with creators from all backgrounds and styles.
  • Showcase your art on our website and product packaging, reaching a wider audience.

Ready to join the Creators' Hub?

Sign up today and become part of something special. Together, let's push the boundaries of flavor and creativity!

Innovate Your HoReCa Menu, Customers Will Follow.

Fill the form using the link below and we will contact you with further details.